Argentine Brand Julieta Grana Launches Wildlife Friendly™ Fibers for FW2021 Line
BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA – 8 JUNE 2021 – Julieta Grana recently joined the select group of Argentine brands to feature Certified Wildlife Friendly™ (WFEN) fibers in her newest line. Working with mohair and merino wool, Grana’s purchase of these sustainably sourced fibers makes both her brand and its consumers active participants in the conservation of Argentina’s wildlife. Species like guanacos, a migratory camelid that has coevolved with and shaped the country’s iconic grasslands, the rhea, a giant flightless bird, and the puma, the apex predator of Patagonia, find safe havens on the ranches and lands certified by this program.

As a conscious brand, Julieta Grana has been committed from its beginning to responsible production by sourcing in small batches, creating partnerships with independent local suppliers, and actively participating in each stage of the production chain.
“Our value proposition is about garments that will last a lifetime, are unique and made by hand. Each piece honors an Argentine sourced raw material and local artisans with traditional knowledge. We seek out suppliers who can guarantee a quality raw material, which is aligned with our values from its origins and production. For us it is a great pleasure and responsibility to be part of this project,” said Julieta Grana.
Back at the other end of the supply chain the on-the-ground partner in this effort is the Wildlife Conservation Society in Argentina (WCS) managing the monitoring and compliance commitments of the producers. Certified producers commit to using sustainable practices and non-lethal tools to protect livestock and mitigate conflicts with the native carnivores and scavengers of Patagonia.
“Thanks to land use changes and conservation measures in Patagonia in recent decades, carnivores that frequently attack livestock, like pumas and culpeo foxes, have increased in density and distribution throughout the region. Mitigating the conflict between these carnivores and livestock we help other components of the ecosystem, such as threatened Andean condors and Andean cats, which often suffer the consequences of lethal protective measures that herders implement when they do not have access to protective tools like guarding dogs”, says Andrés Novaro, INIBIOMA-CONICET (Argentine Science Agency) researcher and Senior Consultant for WCS Argentina.

“One of the most interesting aspects of this certification is that it is not about imposing certain management conditions on the producer and then auditing compliance with them, but that it rather involves working together to solve a problem: the conflict between livestock and wild carnivores. It is the decision to change the paradigm and achieve livestock production that develops in harmony with the environment,” explains Ezequiel Infantino, who is WCS Argentina´s Field Work Coordinator in Neuquén province.
There is growing interest from herders in this effort. Flavio Castillo is a producer from the Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Comercialización de Pequeños Productores de Neuquén, certified by WFEN, who works together with WCS to promote coexistence.
Said Castillo: “Predator attacks are common, and losses are significant. There are several species of carnivores, such as puma, fox, wildcat, pampa´s cat, and Andean cat. We adopted non-lethal tools because even though we have always been hunting, trapping, killing carnivores…it has never been effective in reducing our losses.”
A livestock guardian dog, dubbed ‘Ezequiel’ after the WCS coordinator of the program, was provided to the herders by WCS Argentina and represents a hopeful solution for Mr. Castillo.
“With the dog, we can co-exist with carnivores and protect our livestock.” Castillo says. “Wildlife belongs here, and we have to protect and co-exist with it.”
For WFEN, this is a model project that it is hoped can be scaled across Argentina and around the world.
“WCS in Argentina and WFEN have a longstanding collaboration working together for conservation of wildlife and rancher and herder livelihoods – our efforts are now yielding dividends for both. We are thrilled to welcome Julieta Grana to the Wildlife Friendly™ family of brands and our sustainable fashion network. The brands who are sourcing these fibers have garnered consistent media attention from the fashion industry and have become ‘ambassadors’ for Wildlife Friendly™ fibers showcasing how sustainable homegrown fibers can help revive the local fiber processing industry and contribute to the Argentine economy – all elements of a successful ‘fibershed’,” said Julie Stein, Executive Director and Co-founder of WFEN.
Julieta Grana’s new line can be purchased online or at her Buenos Aires boutique located at El Salvador 5894, Buenos Aires, Argentina or through her online store.
About Julieta Grana
Instagram: @julietagrana
About the WCS Argentina
WCS saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. To achieve our mission, WCS harnesses the power of its Global Conservation Program in nearly 60 nations and in all the world’s oceans. Active in Argentina since the 1960s, it works to preserve the diversity of wildlife that makes this country unique and to restore its landscapes in the face of growing threats. For more information visit:, follow: @WCSArgentina, or contact Florencia Lemoine, Communications Officer,, +54 9 11 33171923
About Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network
WFEN and its certification programs represent grassroots farmers, ranchers, herders, artisans, indigenous peoples and conservation heroes from around the world including two World Bank Development Marketplace Award winners, a U.N. Equator Prize winner, leadership in the world’s marketplace for REDD+ Carbon Offsets, and a Time Hero for the Planet. Wildlife Friendly® products contribute to the conservation of over fourteen million hectares of diverse wetlands, forests, and grasslands; protect keystone endangered species in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin and North America, including the slow loris, snow leopard, elephant, cheetah, red panda, and wolf; and benefit over 400,000 people through increased food security, income and employment. For more information visit:, Instagram: @wildlifefriendly, Twitter: @wfen
Julieta Grana:
Designer Alejandra Gottelli Showcases Homegrown Natural Fibers that Support Argentine Family Farms, Artisans and Wildlife
BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA – JANUARY 07 2020– Cubreme, an Argentine clothing and home goods brand, has joined the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network and is now sourcing Wildlife Friendly™ merino wool from Certified Wildlife Friendly™ ranches on Península Valdés in Patagonia Argentina. ‘Cubreme,’ which translates to ‘cover me’ or ‘keep me warm’ in English, is a socially and environmentally focused clothing and home goods line working with small producers to source natural fibers. The brand employs family-owned and operated tailors to hand weave and finish fabrics for the line. Alejandra Gotelli, one of the designers behind the label, explains, “Cubreme was born with the principle objective of sustainable development for the regions where small producers live by utilizing renewable, natural resources such as animal and plant fibers. Our philosophy is illustrated by our logo which has the letter “e” turned in the other direction, as a ‘wink’ towards a return to social equity, environmental balance and business ethics.”
Península Valdés is a 4,000-square-kilometer (1,544 square miles) protected area in Patagonia, declared a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site in 1999. In the 1880’s when the first Europeans arrived and brought their domestic sheep with them, and a new era was ushered in placing ranching at the center of the regional economy. During the 1960s Península Valdés became a global destination for eco-tourists leading to the creation of the first coastal reserves and subsequently to the declaration of UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site for the entire area.
Scientists identify the principal threats to biodiversity as habitat degradation due to overgrazing and competition for water by livestock, and poaching. Guanacos are killed for meat and sport, and some landowners allow people from the cities to hunt guanacos in order to reduce numbers. Carnivores like pumas and Culpeo fox are often hunted or poisoned in retaliation for presumed predation on domestic animals, especially on lambs.
Despite this the ranchers from the Merino de Península Valdés group are committed to achieving coexistence between sheep ranching for wool production and healthy wildlife populations. “To achieve our goals, we are implementing management actions based on scientific research on wildlife ecology,” said Ricardo Baldi, a scientist from CONICET, the Argentine national science agency. “We work to reach responsible standards, accounting for the sustainable use of the grasslands in coexistence with the native herbivores; and protecting the sheep by using non-lethal methods to control the native predators.”
“We applaud these ranchers and Argentine brands like Cubreme who are showcasing these important coexistence efforts through their brand ethos,” said Julie Stein, Executive Director and co-founder of WFEN. “Consumers are now looking for this kind of commitment from the brands they buy.”
In addition, Cubreme has offset their carbon footprint via five Carbon Capital certified products, amongst these is the Wildlife Friendly™ merino. To learn more or to purchase Cubreme products please visit:
About Cubreme
Cubreme is a decision to create simple, beautiful and lasting designs. We source our materials in their purest forms respecting their nature every step of our process. Our inspiration is always evolving and arises from people, their stories and moments in time; by memories of something loved, something to keep and inherit and by a deep appreciation for timeless styles. Our contemporary design represents a fusion of people and their natural environment; of crafts and consideration for regional natural resources and local identity. Our work follows in the footsteps of traditional techniques. The hand and its skill enable a careful and conscientious production. We seek to give each garment and object its own spirit and story. For stockists:
About Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network
WFEN and its certification programs represent grassroots farmers, ranchers, herders, artisans, indigenous peoples and conservation heroes from around the world including two World Bank Development Marketplace Award winners, a U.N. Equator Prize winner, leadership in the world’s marketplace for REDD+ Carbon Offsets, and a Time Hero for the Planet. Wildlife Friendly® products contribute to the conservation of over twelve million hectares of diverse wetlands, forests, and grasslands; protect keystone endangered species in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin and North America, including the Snow Leopard, Elephant, Tiger, Cheetah, Red Panda, and Wolf; and benefit over 200,000 people through increased food security, income and employment. For more information visit: www.wildlifefriendly.orgh, Instagram: @wildlifefriendly, Twitter: @wfen,
Cubreme: Alejandra Gottelli –
WFEN: Julie Stein –
Home grown luxurious merino wool sourced from Certified Wildlife Friendly™ ranchers is part of WCS Argentina’s Patagonian Fibers with a Conscience™ program
BUENOS AIRES AND PUERTO MADRYN, ARGENTINA (January 7, 2019)— Argentine knitwear line Maydi, the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network (WFEN) and the Wildlife Conservation Society-Argentina (WCS)are pleased to announce the debut of Certified Wildlife Friendly™ fibers from Patagonia Argentina at Paris Fashion Week February 27 – March 6, 2019. Using luxurious merino wool produced by the “Patagonian Fibers with a Conscience” program from a sustainable ranchers cooperative called “Merino de Peninsula Valdés™” Wildlife Friendly™ merino will be featured for the first time by an independent Argentine designer in her line.
Born in Argentina, Maria Abdala-Zolezzi, a.k.a ¨Maydi¨, is a Franco-Argentine designer who received her training at the London College of Fashion. After working for over a decade in the fashion meccas of Paris and Milan for international brands like Hermès, Sonia Rykiel, and Isabel Marant,Ms. Zolezzi returned to Argentina to found her own home grown brand, Maydi, to showcase some of the world’s best natural fibers like merino, mohair and even wild guanaco fiber, grown on the famous grasslands of her native country. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and in Condé Nast Traveller’s the Best of Buenos Aires, each Maydi garment is carefully made by hand using processes that respect both workers and the environment including iconic Argentinean wildlife through this new sourcing partnership with WCS-Argentina and WFEN. “For MAYDI Sustainability is the responsibility of every individual every day, says Maria Abdala-Zolezzi, “I want to make unique clothes working under fair trade principles while keeping an equitable relationship with the environment as well as with respect and appreciation for the individual people who participate in the craftsmanship of each piece.”
WCS Argentina supports the Merino Peninsula Valdés™ (MPV) group who are committed to managing their ranches to allow healthy populations of guanacos, rheas, and maras to co-exist with their sheep, and to use non-lethal methods to control predation by pumas, chilla foxes, and Geoffroy’s and pampas cats. Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina (FVSA) will provide third-party verification of compliance with commitments and collaborate with WCS to monitor impacts on wildlife. “We all agree in making the coexistence between sheep ranching and healthy wildlife a long-term achievement,” said Alejandro Arias, coordinator of the FVSA program. WCS and FVSA are working together under a cooperation agreement with the USFWS to expand the sustainably managed land in the area.
Península Valdés is a 4,000–square-kilometer (1,544 square miles) protected area in Patagonia, declared a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site in 1999. Península Valdés still harbors significant populations of native wildlife, and its waters are critical habitat for southern right whales, sea lions, magellanic penguins and elephant seals. Although a management plan has been effective in conserving coastal wildlife, the land is privately owned and sheep ranching is widespread.
“These ranchers are committed to wildlife-friendly practices because they are convinced that their economic futures are better served by moving away from maximizing sheep stocking rates and adding value by conserving native species at Península Valdés, an emblematic site of Patagonia. Our work is based on scientific research on wildlife ecology,” said Ricardo Baldi, a scientist from CONICET, the Argentine national science agency, and consultant for WCS.
“’Patagonian Fibers with a Conscience™’ provides an inspiring opportunity to combine a sustainable business approach with on-the-ground wildlife conservation,” said Carina Righi [former Director of WCS Argentina]. “We’re showing that we can protect guanacos and other wildlife, support the local economy, and add value to a product that reaches international markets. It’s a win-win for Peninsula Valdés.”
“We are so gratified to see this enthusiasm from designers and brands in sourcing Wildlife Friendly™ fibers,” said Julie Stein, former Executive Director and co-founder of WFEN, “because global consumers want to support wildlife and habitat through their purchases. This demand demonstrates to ranchers and the Argentinean government that wildlife has economic value and that wildlands and ranchlands can both thrive. Its very exciting to work with such an exceptionally talented designer like Maria who also shares our vision for a definition of sustainable fashion that includes biodiversity.”
For wholesalers, retailers and consumers interested in purchasing the Maydi line please contact:
About Maydi
Maydi uses only natural fibers and organic yarns in her hand-woven fabrics. The timeless spirit of each piece manifests itself in a 100% contemporary and refined design, carried out through the ancient techniques of hand-knitting, manual weaving loom and crochet, which are thus revalued. Maydi believes in the principles of fair trade, hence her designs are developed and produced in collaboration with local Argentine artisans, assuring them fair remuneration and respect for the legacy of their craft and art. Weaving loom is one of the oldest cultural traditions of Aboriginal peoples and a clear statement of the importance of women as transmitters of life and culture in society and selects exclusively noble materials such as merino wool of Argentine Patagonia —including yarn in spinning wheel—, mohair, cotton and silk straw. Argentine organic merino is comparable with precious fibers (such as cashmere and alpaca) for its smoothness, shine, and softness, and stands out among the main materials used in the collection. For this reason, beyond this intrinsic quality of fiber, Maydi works with Merino wools that are backed by a production process which takes care of the environment, the well-being of animals and the development of individuals and organizations involved in the entire value chain.
The dyes used are completely natural, obtained from native plants such as: Tara, Palo Amarillo, Guayacán and Cochinilla from Argentina and South America through environmentally friendly processes.
Maydi sets the quality bar very high, ensuring meticulous attention to detail in the entire process of creation of each garment, hand-made from start to finish. Thus, the design of each piece enables raw materials to speak for themselves. The brand continues to cultivate a relationship with internal market: Maydi redoubles its value for customers who appreciate good taste and high design, with made-to measure pieces. Thus, it intensifies the uniqueness of its items and justifies even more the longing for them.
6, quai Jules Courmont, Angle rue Thomassin 69002 Lyon — FRANCE
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3 – 14 – 1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku 160-0022 Tokyo — JAPAN
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4-10-5 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku 150-0001 Tokyo — JAPAN
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About Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network
WFEN and its certification programs represent grassroots farmers, ranchers, herders, artisans, indigenous peoples and conservation heroes from around the world including two World Bank Development Marketplace Award winners, a U.N. Equator Prize winner, leadership in the world’s marketplace for REDD+ Carbon Offsets, and a Time Hero for the Planet. Wildlife Friendly® products contribute to the conservation of over fourteen million hectares of diverse wetlands, forests, and grasslands; protect keystone endangered species inAsia, Africa, Europe, and Latin and North America, including the Snow Leopard, Elephant, Tiger, Cheetah, Red Panda, and Wolf; and benefit over 400,000 people through increased food security, income and employment. For more information visit:, IG: @wildlifefriendly, Twitter: @wfen
About the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
MISSION: WCS saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. VISION: WCS envisions a world where wildlife thrives in healthy lands and seas, valued by societies that embrace and benefit from the diversity and integrity of life on earth. To achieve our mission, WCS, based at the Bronx Zoo, harnesses the power of its Global Conservation Program in more than 60 nations and in all the world’s oceans and its five wildlife parks in New York City, visited by 4 million people annually. WCS combines its expertise in the field, zoos, and aquarium to achieve its conservation mission.
Follow: @thewcs
Conicet: Ricardo Baldi:
WCS: Stephen Sautner;
Wildlife Friendly: Christine Lippai:
Certified Wildlife Friendly® materials now featured to pro-wildlife fashion designers
NEW YORK CITY, NY: – 19 APRIL 2017 – Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network (WFEN), a
global community dedicated to developing products that protect wildlife and bring economic vitality to rural landscapes, is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with Queen of Raw, an online platform that sells innovative and sustainable raw materials to designers around the world.
Each Wildlife Friendly® fiber or material sourced from Queen of Raw is supporting coexistence efforts in some of the most spectacular landscapes left on earth and is improving the livelihoods of people who hold the fate of the world’s most endangered
wildlife in their hands. WFEN products include Lemur-friendly silk and raffia from Madagascar, merino wool from ranchers coexisting with Guanacos and other wildlife on Peninsula Valdes in Patagonia, Argentina, felt and yarn supporting the survival of Snow Leopards in Mongolia, beadwork as an alternative livelihood to illegal poaching in Kenya, and Italian cashmere produced in harmony with Wolves.
By purchasing Wildlife Friendly® products through Queen of Raw, designers and their consumers will be empowered to create change on the ground for people and wildlife. This unique partnership will make Queen of Raw a Founding WFEN Corporate Network Member along with other leading edge companies in the global fashion industry, including Kering and Stella McCartney.
“We’re fielding keen interest in Wildlife Friendly® Certified fibers and raw materials from the sustai
Beadwork as an alternative livelihood to illegal poaching in Kenya. (Photo courtesy of Joanna Brown)
nable fashion world” said Julie Stein, Executive Director and Co-Founder of WFEN, “and this new partnership with Queen of Raw will showcase our network’s conse
rvation heroes, artisans, and farmers, many of whom are women, to designers seeking sustainable sourcing options in New York City and beyond. We couldn’t be more excited to be working with Stephanie and her team.”
“Queen of Raw was founded to fill the gap between supply and demand in the raw materials supply chain” said Stephanie Benedetto, CEO and Co-Founder of Queen of Raw, “and working with Julie and a powerful organization like WFEN will allow us to accomplish our goals while contributing to a sustainable, waste-eliminating fashion environment. Together we can change the world!”
About Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network
WFEN and its certification programs represent grassroots farmers, ranchers, artisans, indigenous peoples, and conservation heroes from around the world. This includes two World Bank Development Marketplace Award winners, a U.N. Equator Prize winner, leadership in the world’s marketplace for REDD+ Carbon Offsets, a Time Hero for the Planet, and a National Geographic Big Cats Initiative grantee. Certified Wildlife Friendly® products contribute to the conservation of over twelve million hectares of diverse wetlands, forests, and grasslands. They also protect keystone endangered species in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin and North America – including the snow leopard, tiger, elephant, cheetah, red panda, and wolf – and benefit over 200,000 people through increased food security, income, and employment. For more information visit:
About Queen of Raw
Queen of Raw is the online destination for designers to source cutting-edge raw materials directly from suppliers. Its global suppliers have been selected for their innovative raw materials, values around sustainability, and avant-garde approach to fashion and technology. Queen of Raw was recently named a NASA/NIKE/IKEA/U.S. Dept. of State Innovator. With family roots in the fashion and textiles business for over 100 years, its CEO serves on the Board of Advisors of the New York City Fair Trade Coalition and as co-host on Material Is Your Business podcast. For more information visit:
Queen of Raw
Stephanie Benedetto:
Wildlife Friendly
Julie Stein:
Stella McCartney Becomes the First Global Fashion Brand to Support the Development of Wildlife Friendly® Products That Help People and the Planet
London – April 17 2014 – The Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network (WFEN), a global community dedicated to supporting products that conserve threatened wildlife and contribute to economic vitality in rural landscapes, and Stella McCartney, a brand with a commitment to sustainability, are pleased to announce an exciting new partnership dedicated to protecting wildlife.
WFEN Corporate Network Members are working towards sourcing Wildlife Friendly® products through their own supply chains and share the WFEN vision for a world where people and wildlife not only coexist but thrive. WFEN Corporate Members are committed to creating beautiful products that are made in a manner that respect the producers, land, and wildlife. Stella McCartney, supports WFEN in its mission to empower and educate consumers and to create change on the ground by providing a market incentive for farmers, ranchers and local communities to improve their production practices. By linking the worlds of sustainable agriculture and sustainable fashion, each garment produced has the potential to tell a story about responsible consumption and can support sustainability throughout the fashion supply chain.
“This unique partnership will benefit global consumers by providing a wider range of truly Wildlife Friendly® choices and enabling them to vote their values with their pocketbooks,” said Julie Stein, Executive Director of Certified Wildlife Friendly®. “Stella McCartney has consistently embraced a Triple Bottom Line approach to business. We applaud the brand’s leadership in initiating efforts towards responsible sourcing across a range of Wildlife Friendly® fibers, textiles and raw materials from around the globe. We don’t have to choose among people, planet or profit, but instead can work to benefit both business and biodiversity.”
WFEN membership is open to businesses and non-governmental organizations who are committed to the WFEN mission and who actively contribute to Wildlife Friendly® business practices. This contribution may be through building Wildlife Friendly® supply chains, production, sourcing and selling Certified Wildlife Friendly® products, building increased awareness and demand with consumers, and implementing best practices for biodiversity conservation and business.
About Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney is a 50/50 joint venture partnership between Ms. Stella McCartney and Kering established in 2001. A lifelong vegetarian, Stella McCartney does not use any leather or fur in her designs. The brand’s ready-to-wear, accessories, lingerie, fragrance, kids and adidas by Stella McCartney collections are available through 35 other free-standing stores including London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, Milan and Shanghai, as well around 600 wholesale accounts in key cities worldwide. For additional information, please visit: Read more »