Pioneering Conservation-focused Livestock Ranching in Paraguay: Ganadera Madrejón S.A. Certified as Wildlife Friendly®
Pioneering Conservation-focused Livestock Ranching in Paraguay: Ganadera Madrejón S.A. Certified as Wildlife Friendly®
Ganadera Madrejón S.A., a prominent livestock company in Paraguay, has achieved a significant milestone in sustainable ranching and agriculture by being awarded the Wildlife Friendly® Certification. Spanning over 33,500 hectares, this enterprise supports the livelihoods of over 5,000 people in neighboring communities while pioneering the integration of wildlife conservation with profitable cattle rearing. The success of Ganadera Madrejón S.A. exemplifies their dedication to ecological ranching and agricultural practices that conserve wildlife. Becoming Certified Wildlife Friendly highlights their commitment to wildlife conservation, best business practices, sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.
The company’s collaboration with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) office in Paraguay has been instrumental in shaping its conservation strategies, leading to impactful conservation and sustainable ranching initiatives such as implementation of better livestock practices, non-lethal predator coexistence techniques, wildlife monitoring, and conservation education. Ganadera Madrejón S.A. equips its employees and the surrounding community with key information about human-wildlife conflict resolution and wildlife monitoring, both key criteria for Wildlife Friendly® certification. In addition, the company has enhanced the conservation awareness of its ranch visitors by installing informative signs along the access roads regarding the importance of conservation and the company’s commitment to wildlife conservation. Furthermore, the company has supported and promoted WCS-organized events at the company-funded and publicly recognized school on their premises, focusing on Wildlife Friendly® coexistence strategies.
To reinforce practices that conserve wildlife in the region, Ganadera Madrejón S.A. ensures implementation of the following measures:
Prohibition of Hunting
A cornerstone of Ganadera Madrejón S.A.’s conservation policy is the strict hunting ban on their property. This regulation is clearly communicated to everyone entering the ranch, ensuring that all employees, contractors, and visitors are fully aware and comply with this important rule.
Coexistence with Wildlife
Ganadera Madrejón S.A. exemplifies dedication to wildlife conservation and coexistence by embracing the presence of jaguars on their property, viewing them not as threats but as vital components of the ecosystem. The company actively works towards coexistence through comprehensive conservation strategies and support for WCS Paraguay’s monitoring efforts.
“Becoming Certified Wildlife Friendly® is an endorsement of Ganadera Madrejón S.A.’s efforts to harmonize cattle ranching with the conservation of local wildlife. This balance is crucial as the company’s operations impact wildlife habitats through grazing herds and pasture implementation. By partnering with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) office in Paraguay, Ganadera Madrejón S.A. is demonstrating how livestock ranching can be beneficial to people, livestock, and wildlife,” said Christine Lippai, Executive Director of the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network.
About Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Paraguay
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) works to promote actions to save wildlife and wild places around the world by understanding critical issues, developing science-based solutions, and adopting conservation measures that benefit nature and humanity. WCS is committed to this mission as essential to the integrity of life on Earth.
WCS Paraguay works at multiple levels to promote sustainable development that conserves forests and protects wildlife, especially the jaguar and its preys. This is achieved through the integration of sustainable agricultural and ranching practices with the conservation of natural habitats, ensuring that both human and wildlife needs are met in a balanced and harmonious manner.
About Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network (WFEN)
WFEN is a global community dedicated to the protection of wildlife in wild places and on agricultural lands, promoting sustainable livelihoods through the certification of products and services that adhere to the highest standards of wildlife stewardship and habitat conservation. Our Wildlife Friendly® certification programs ensure that consumers can make informed choices that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.